Challenge: Get people to listen to Spotify while they’re driving.
Idea: How do you measure a drive? You could choose to measure your journey in miles or kilometers. Or perhaps you’d prefer to measure by time: minutes, hours, or days. Or maybe, just maybe, you measure your journey by songs. You’ve got places to be. Let Spotify take you there.
The Team:
Art Direction: Megan Kim & Kailin Zhang
Copy: Megan Kim
Out of Home: Highway Billboards
We’ve all been in a car with the question “Are we there yet?” lingering in our minds. These billboards, placed outside of cities along major highways, let passers-by know exactly how far away they are from the destination, but not in miles or minutes: In songs.
Experiential: The 500-Song Road Trip
To encourage drivers to use Spotify as their top-of-mind choice for listening to music and media in the car, we’re staging a big contest for a big playlist: It takes approximately 500 songs to cross the United States, and we know the perfect soundtrack is out there somewhere.